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Open Space Committee Minutes 05/14/2010
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: May 14, 2010

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:43 am with OSC members Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Evan Griswold, George James, Ted Kiritsis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance.

On a motion by Evan, seconded by Ted, it was voted to approve the OSC meeting minutes of April 9, 2010.

a) Ames property
Christina reported that OLCT has made an application to buy 11 acres of Steve Ames’ Sheep’s Ledge property, with a walking easement to a portion of the property, for a total amount of $83k. The appraisal for the land was $7k per acre and the walking easement appraisal was based on value drained from property adjacent to the easement. Christina noted that the application was contingent on OLCT receiving a State grant for a maximum of 65% of the purchase price. Diana and George have written letters endorsing the OLCT application.

b) Kus property
First Selectman Tim Griswold and Diana had discussions with Art Bogen regarding sale to the Town of the Kus property. Art Bogen reported that another party is interested in the property, which was delaying the process of developing a detailed plan of action for Town purchase of the property.  

New Business
a) 2010 Plan of Conservation and Development
Diana reported on receipt of a Planning Commission letter of May 5, 2010 to affected Town boards and land-use organizations informing addressees that a new plan of conservation and development was being written and requesting inputs to the new plan by June 25, 2010. It was agreed in discussion that notification lead-time for inputs to the plan was not adequate.

b) Habitat inventory
Diana reviewed the special OSC meeting of May 7, 2010, at which Connecticut Audubon Society officials Milan Bull, Senior Director of Science and Conservation, and Twan Leenders, Conservation Biologist, described and discussed bird habitat characteristics and requirements, the Audubon Society habitat classification scheme and the potential affect on prioritization and utilization of open space land.

Old Business
a) Open Space Commission
There was lively discussion regarding the OSC proposal and draft charter to transform OSC to an Open Space Commission and, especially, regarding reception of the plan at the special meeting of Town land-use organizations on April 22, 2010. At discussion’s end it was agreed by George to have a presentation by OSC of the proposed change of OSC to a commission, with discussion of the charter, at the beginning of the next Conservation Commission meeting on June 2, 2010.

At 1055, there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable